We have migrated from legacy code(HTML, CSS, Boostrap, PHP) to React as a frontend and Slim PHP framework to write API

Migrating from a legacy codebase to a modern front-end framework like React and a modern back-end framework like Slim PHP can bring many benefits such as improved performance, scalability, and…

Continue ReadingWe have migrated from legacy code(HTML, CSS, Boostrap, PHP) to React as a frontend and Slim PHP framework to write API

We have created a script to backup mysql database with compression and store it to GCP cloud bucket.

Creating a script to backup a MySQL database and storing it on a cloud platform like GCP Cloud Bucket can be a great way to ensure the data is safe…

Continue ReadingWe have created a script to backup mysql database with compression and store it to GCP cloud bucket.

We have created and published a Shopify store connector App. Which will later give you options to sync products to/from Shopify, update inventory, fulfilment, order status update using web-hook

Creating and publishing a Shopify store connector app can be a great way to help e-commerce businesses streamline their operations and improve their online sales. A Shopify store connector app…

Continue ReadingWe have created and published a Shopify store connector App. Which will later give you options to sync products to/from Shopify, update inventory, fulfilment, order status update using web-hook

How we have solved the space issue for bulk image upload using DropzoneJs, Image validation and resize with PHP intervention library using Imagick driver & Image crop with cropperJs

Managing images on a website or application can be a challenging task, particularly when it comes to handling large numbers of images and ensuring that they are properly uploaded, validated,…

Continue ReadingHow we have solved the space issue for bulk image upload using DropzoneJs, Image validation and resize with PHP intervention library using Imagick driver & Image crop with cropperJs

Improve performance and scalability of product search using Elasticsearch in e-commerce

Product search is a critical feature for many e-commerce websites and applications. However, as the volume of data and the number of users increases, traditional MySQL databases can become slow…

Continue ReadingImprove performance and scalability of product search using Elasticsearch in e-commerce